Monday, May 28, 2012

{Gabby & Co.}: Family|Children Photography

I'm have to apologize for the lack of posts on my blog. To be honest, I do so much networking with Facebook that the blog takes a back seat . . . which is SO not right! So I'm going to try really really hard to keep it up better!

Yesterday I got to photograph Gabby again. She's adorable. Need I say more?

And let me just tell you that I very much enjoyed this shoot. One, because Gabby and her parents are such a lovely family and Two, because mom and dad totally trusted me with location suggestions! We didn't do a typical park or garden-ish setting. We went on a walking trail, under a bridge and then behind a building to an old weathered garage door. See what happens when you trust your photographer? You get flippin' fantasticly beautiful photos like these! 
(Was that enough adjectives for you?) 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thursday, December 8, 2011

{Three little elves}

Nothing is harder than photographing your own children. They don't listen to you as well because they know what limits to push. Here is what I came up with for my boys this year...

Nothing is harder than photographing your own children (at least in my opinion). They don't listen to you like other children. Because they know the limits to push. So here's what we ended up with for my boys this year . . .

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

{Elf on the Shelf} : Just for fun

For those of us who grew up in Wisconsin, Dec. 6 was always a very exciting morning, ranking right up there with Easter. It is St. Nicolas Day! Meaning . . . that while we slept, St. Nick crept into our house, much like those infamous other favorites, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, to fill our Christmas stockings with treats, fruit, money, and small gifts.

Well this year, St. Nick also brought us a new friend.

I'd like to introduce you to Webster the Elf.

For those of you that aren't familiar with the Elf on the Shelf, here's how it works . . .

An adorable little elf shows up at your home sometime after Thanksgiving, in our case, St. Nick Day. He's magical. Only moving at night while you sleep. He flies back to the North Pole every night to report to Santa all the NAUGHTY and NICE things you are up to. And then, before you wake, he returns, causes some mischief but is still as can be as soon as you wake up. You can talk to him, tell him a secret or a message you want him to give to Santa, but it is against Elf Rules for him to speak back. You also cannot touch him or move him or his magic may be lost. So, however you find him each morning is how he must stay until he flies back to the North Pole that night. He will stay with you until Christmas Eve, when his work is done. Then he returns to Santa until the following year.

So Webster arrived last night with all the stocking stuffers and already was up to some mischief, steeling one of my son's oranges out of his stocking.

So I thought it'd be fun to take a picture of Webster each day to see what kind of trouble he gets into each night. I'm looking forward to yet another family tradition with my sons that hopefully will last for years to come.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

{Cole's Letter to Santa}: Children Photography

For now I am just sharing a couple photos from this shoot, including this collage. I will post more from this shoot at a different time. I thought this was so cute. The letter reads . . .

Dear Santa,

I've been really good this year.
I help my mommy all the time.
I bring my brother toys when he is sad.
For Christmas I would like . . .

tool bench
video games
police officer uniform
baby sister

Monday, November 14, 2011

{Little Miss Blue Eyes}: Green Bay Children Photography

Not to take anything away from all the other beauties in this family, but I can't help but be mesmerized by this little one's big baby blues!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Holiday Mini Marathon 2011

This is very exciting for me! Last year I held a holiday mini marathon and it was fantastic! But this year, I think it will be even better because I am able to do it in my very own studio space!

And if you know me at all, you know that my house (studio) will be decked out for Christmas so there are many many photo ops!

I am running this for two days only! Dec. 2 - 3 . . .

Cost is $50

{Includes}: 15-20 minute shoot in studio, editing of all images, photo disc with release, a 5 x 7 print and 8 wallets, AND a DVD slideshow Christmas card.

Contact me today to book your spot as they will fill up quickly!