Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Operation "In-Home Studio" has commenced . . .

I have some very exciting news! Within the next few months (I don't have a specific date set) I will be opening my very own studio! Granted, it will be in my home, but a studio, no less! You have absolutely no idea how very excited I am about this. So in order for you to share in a little bit of this excitement I plan on keeping you in the loop of the wonderful things I am doing and have plan for this.

So to start, I want to share in the plans of this exciting new venture. It all started with my husband's decision to move our big gawdy television into our basement. It currently hangs above our fireplace. With that gone, it opened up a world of options for me for the living room, because basically I can do whatever my heart pleases because he will be a hermit in the basement with his precious Sony.

Here's a couple things I have planned . . .

This is the sofa I bought. It will be delivered this coming up Friday. Its actually a lighter beige color with a hint of gray. Don't pay any attention to the pillows because they won't be there. But I think it kind of has an "old world" look but is still comfy and functional for my family. Remember, this is still my home that the studio will be in so everything has to be somewhat family friendly. But I do envision that this sofa will look great for photos.

This piece of art has been hidden in my stairwell for two years. It is from Pottery Barn (one of the three things I have ever bought from there) But this I just could not resist. So we are taking it out of the shadows and putting it above the fireplace for it's place of glory! But I am not going to hang it on the wall, just lean it against because then I can take it down and use it in photos if I want to. Basically everything in this "great" room of mine is going to have a double purpose. Everything, and I do mean everything will somehow be a functional item for a living room AND a photo studio. Tricky.

And last (for today) but CERTAINLY not least, my chair. My wonderful glorious chair that everything else in the room revolves around. This is a picture of one that is similar. The only difference is that mine has vintage print/script on the back cushion. Which makes it even better! I'm thinking that you will be seeing this chair in lots of my photos. I plan on even bringing it with me sometimes on outdoor shoots or even a wedding. A bride would be absolutely stunning sitting in it. Ideas, ideas.

That's it for now. I have lots more planned and even more things that I already bought, but I'd like to have some of it be a surprise!

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