Monday, May 23, 2011

From your photographer's view . . .

Yesterday, one of my three shoots was a family shoot of 11 people. I've done sessions with several of them in the past but this time they all came together for a large group picture. And as I am editing the photos taken yesterday, I just thought that I'd like to share a little insight of a large group session from the photographer's point of view.

Group Photos 101:

  1. We are not miracle workers: Although, in most cases we are able to heal bumps, bruises and cuts on the face with a click of the mouse, we can't open ones eyes if they are shut in every picture, we unfortunately cannot make "Little Billy" miraculously stop picking his nose and if "Cousin Susie" doesn't smile, she doesn't smile. Please remember this!
  2. We are not mind readers: Most photographers are not scary. Or at least, I'm not. So PLEASE do not be scared to be blunt. Tell us what you are thinking and what you want out of your photo session because the more we know about your expectations, the better we will do at fulfilling them!
  3. We are not referees: I may be fond of wearing black and white on some occasions, however, I don't ever plan on having to throw on a striped shirt and a whistle for a photo shoot. If someone in your party is reluctant to have their photo taken to the point that they are literally swearing at you under their breath . . . please deal with it. We will try to lighten the mood as best we can, but it makes for a mighty uncomfortable situation.
  4. We are not mean: That being said, please don't make us try and force a child to cooperate. Sometimes (many times) there is a screaming child that won't sit, stand or even want to be within the vicinity of the group. We will use every once of compassion and even many times bribery that we know, but sometimes it just doesn't work out. So please understand that you have two options . . . get your entire family photo WITH a screaming child in it . . . or be minus one in the family that day, but everyone in the photo will be smiling. Kids are kids . . . which is what we like that about them.
All of these comments are in no way affiliated with the experience I had with the large family photo yesterday. The session went beautifully (aside from the bunny ears on Grandma's head) and I am very excited to hand over the photos to the client.


  1. Ha! I was wondering if your post was a reflection on our family shoot LOL! I didnt think we were THAT bad! : )
    - Lacey

  2. No Lacey . . . not at all!!!!! Your shoot was wonderful which is what got me thinking about some that weren't that wonderful so I thought I'd just mention some things to keep in mind for people in the future.

    Seriously . . . the comments were NOT about your family. lol I will probably have a few up later tonight!

  3. Super! I was just teasing! Although, hopefully the one you did for my side of the large family last fall wasn't that bad either ;) (Although my dad probably fits under #3 hee hee)

  4. Oh no, that one wasn't bad either! Trust me . . . there have been worse cases than your dad too! Weddings sometimes get tricky when you try and get large group family shots. People are much more interested in partying than smiling for pictures. Gets interesting. : )
